Archive for the ‘ KDAH ’ Category

How to keep your Bones Healthy?

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Bones play crucial roles in our body – they provide structure, protect organs, secure muscles and are a storehouse for calcium. It’s important that during childhood and adolescence we build strong and healthy bones through a good diet and an active lifestyle. As time passes and we age, we are at risk of developing osteoporosis. It is a condition that causes the bones to weaken and become brittle. This can result in painful fractures of the hip, wrist or spine. Early prevention can reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and other degenerative bone diseases.

Why is bone health important?

Your bones are continuously changing — a new bone is made and an old bone is broken down. When you are young, your body makes new bones faster than it breaks down old bones and your bone mass increases. You reach the peak of bone mass around the age of 30. After that the remodeling of bones continues but you lose slightly more bone mass than you gain. Your likelihood to develop osteoporosis depends on how much bone mass you attain by the time you reach 30 years of age and how rapidly you lose it after that.

Our skeletal system is composed of 206 bones and plays one of the most important functions in the body: to provide overall structure and to protect all the organs. However, the care and maintenance of this powerhouse is often neglected or completely forgotten.

How to take care of your bones:

  • Understand osteoporosis risk factors
    This disease of the bones causes weakening of the bones. Various factors like age, gender, family history, race, body type, menstrual history, and personal lifestyle and history can make certain patients more susceptible to osteoporosis. Get yourself checked.
  • Test bone mineral density
    A quick and painless test, called a DEXA scan, measures bone strength.
  • You need calcium
    A diet low in calcium contributes to diminished bone density, early bone loss and an increased risk of fractures. A calcium enriched diet ensures bone strength and minimizes osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin-D requirements
    Vitamin D too plays a major role in preventing and minimizing osteoporosis, but most patients are deficient in the same. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium in the gastrointestinal tract and transfers it to the bones (reabsorption).
  • Follow a Healthy Diet
    Consult a nutritionist and follow a diet that helps protect bone density. A diet rich in vegetables, fruit, legumes and moderate consumption of dairy works well.
  • Exercise always works
    Choose an activity you enjoy and build a regular fitness regime. Jogging, walking, dancing, hiking, playing volleyball or tennis is good for your bones and also promotes overall physical and mental health.
  • Say no to Tobacco and excessive alcohol use
    Smoking increases the risk of osteoporosis by reducing blood flow to the bones, slowing the production of bone-forming cells and impairing calcium absorption. Excessive alcohol consumption makes you more prone to bone loss than those people with minimal alcohol intake.

What affects the bone health?

As you age, your bones become thinner and lose their density. Over time, you become more prone to injuries. The thinning of bones is called osteopenia and it can be halted with some precautions.

Some dietary changes for Healthy Bones:
  • Follow a calcium rich diet consisting of dark leafy green vegetables, broccoli, parsley, sweet potatoes, almonds, dried figs, fortified tofu and soy milk.
  • Check with your doctor and start calcium supplements if needed. Most individuals need it as the need for calcium increases as you age.
  • A Vitamin D deficiency is connected to an increased risk of fractures. Sun exposure without sunburn is the main and most natural way to get Vitamin D. Expose the face and arms to sunlight without sunscreen for about twenty minutes two to three times per week.
  • Refined sugar, alcohol and caffeine are acid-forming foods that weaken the bones by depleting them of calcium and other minerals. Reduce intake as much as possible.

We at KDAH have a specialised centre of excellence dedicated to bone and joint heath. Our team of specialists assists patients with timely diagnosis and immediate action. Do visit the below link for further details:

Hypertension…what is it all about?

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

What is Hypertension?

Blood pressure is the force of your blood against the blood vessel walls. Having high blood pressure also called as Hypertension means that this force is higher than it should be. Hypertension is a serious disease that can, over time, damage the blood vessel walls and increase a person’s risk of heart attack, stroke and other conditions.

In Hypertension the arterial blood pressure raises to high level from the normal level (120/80 mmHg). In the medical world it is called as a silent killer as it does not show any clear symptoms. It is divided in two types (primary or essential hypertension and secondary hypertension) on the basis of its causing factors.

The primary hypertension is more common type however its causes are unknown. Whereas, causes of secondary hypertension are kidney damage, adrenal gland over-activity, sleep apnea syndrome, tumours, recreational drugs, thyroid gland dysfunctioning, pregnancy-related conditions, over or wrong medications, alcoholic drinks, bad food and etc.


Most of the time, doctors cannot find a specific cause of hypertension. Certain factors increase the risk of developing hypertension, including obesity, excess alcohol consumption, excess salt intake, smoking and having diabetes. Aging also increases the risk of hypertension because blood vessels become stiffer with age.

Being under stress can also increase your blood pressure temporarily. Certain medical conditions and medications can also raise blood pressure, and this is known as secondary hypertension.


People with high blood pressure usually have no symptoms, and so patients can have the condition for years without knowing it. However, severe hypertension show some symptoms of headaches, sleepiness, palpitation, blurred vision, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, ringing sensation in the ears, breathing difficulty, irregular heartbeat which may lead to even coma.

Although many patients may not have symptoms at first, over time, high blood pressure can lead to “wear and tear” on the body. For example, high blood pressure can stretch and damage blood vessels, which in turn, can increase the risk of health problems.


High blood pressure is diagnosed from a blood pressure test. Typically, doctors place a blood pressure cuff on the arm, which has a gauge that measures pressure in the blood vessels. As a person’s blood pressure can vary depending on a number of factors, including the time of day, a doctor will usually check blood pressure several times and different appointments before diagnosing someone with high blood pressure.

Treatment & medication

The goal of the treatment is for patients to keep their blood pressure in the normal range — below 140/90 mmHg. For patients who have diabetes or chronic kidney disease, doctors recommend that they keep their blood pressure under 130/80 mmHg.

Lifestyle changes that can help lower blood pressure include eating a healthy diet — such as a diet that cuts down on salt, and boosts fruit and vegetable intake — increasing physical activity, reducing weight, and quitting smoking. In addition, stress relief practices, such as meditation or other relaxation techniques, can also be helpful in lowering blood pressure.

The number of people living with hypertension is predicted to be 1.56 billion worldwide by the year 2025. The increasing prevalence of the condition is blamed on lifestyle and dietary factors, such as physical inactivity, alcohol and tobacco use, and a diet high in sodium usually from processed foods. World Hypertension Day is celebrated every year on 17th of May to raise the public awareness about the hypertension, its preventive measures and complications.

Get yourself checked today for any Blood pressure related concerns at

Organ Donation Day

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

As we come close to Organ Donation day on 13th August 2016 let us understand how it is done. All you have to do is register for Organ Donation. Let us all come together and work towards increasing Organ Donation numbers in India.

Organ Donation in India

Each year, hundreds of people die while waiting for an organ transplant. We need to change the mindset of people to change these numbers. There is a shortage of organs, and the gap between the number of organs donated and the number of people waiting for a transplant is getting larger. Transplants have successful outcomes and over the coming years the need for transplant is expected to rise steeply.

However not everyone is eligible to donate their Organs. Unfortunately, in India, a large number of people die due to road accidents. Organ Donation is rare in these cases. As organs need to be transplanted as soon as possible following the donor’s death, they can only be donated by someone who has died in the hospital. Usually, organs come from people who are certified as brain dead while on a ventilator in a hospital intensive care unit.

This makes us realise that even after pledging our Organs a small percentage of people qualify as Organ Donors, depending on the circumstances of their demise.

How does Organ Donation Work

Transplants post brain death have to be done immediately to ensure the organs remain suitable for transplantation. However, for this to happen you must have expressed your consent towards Organ Donation or your family has to give their permission. Once family consent is received, consent from the legal authorities is obtained and the organ procurement organization is informed. In the meanwhile the donor is maintained on a ventilator and stabilized with fluids and medications. The recipient is identified for the transplant and a surgical team is readied to arrive at the hospital for removal of Organs and tissues. The donors body is surgically closed and handed over to the family.

Some key Reasons for Shortage of Organ donors in India:

  • There is a major lack of awareness about organ donation in India,and recent surveys reveal that people would come forth with their wish to donate if they had received more information.
  • A major reason for the shortage of organs is that many people have not recorded their wish about organ donation or discussed it with their families.
  • Myths and misconceptions about organ donation discourage potential donors from making the decision to donate organs or tissue after death.

Make a difference after you have left the world

The act of organ donation has the ability to comfort grieving families. It is always difficult to lose a loved one. Many grieving families of organ donors draw comfort from the fact that their loss may help to save or improve the lives of others. Most of the donor families agreed to donate organs because they felt that it was the only positive outcome from their loss.

Let us all pledge towards Organ Donation. Our Team at KDAH is working hard towards maximum registrations for Organ Donation. Have you taken a decision yet? Click on the below link to register:

Organ donation, why is it needed?

Friday, August 5th, 2016

Just a few days back there was an article about a young boy’s family donating his organs when he was declared brain dead.

“Such a noble thought” we say! Indeed it is a very gracious deed. Organ donation is considered to be the highest form of charity, an act to give back to society. But what happens when it comes to us personally implementing the same thing?

How many of us have signed up for an organ donation if something untoward happens to us ?

Or, have you ever thought about it?

Why leave your family in a dilemma when certain decisions can be taken before hand?

13th of August 2016 is celebrated as Organ Donation Day in India. Various government organisations, NGOs and hospitals work towards spreading the awareness of this cause. They help to motivate people to donate organs as well as to understand the value of organ donation in the life of an individual.

Organ donation is the harvesting of an individual’s organs after he or she dies for the purpose of transplanting them into another person. The person who gives the organs is called a donor while a person who receives the organ is called a recipient. One can get a new life through the organ transplantation donated by someone.

Some things about Organ Donation:

  • Anyone can be an organ donor irrespective of age, caste, religion, community, current or past medical condition. Children can also be organ donors after taking consent for organ donation from their parents.
  • However certain diseases like active cancer, active HIV, active infection have restrictions. Patients suffering from Hepatitis B and C also have some limitations.
  • Vital organs like heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, and pancreas can be donated only in case of ‘brain death’.
  • However other tissues like corneas, heart valves, skin, bones etc can be donated only in case of natural death.

What is a national organ donor registry?

It is a nationally recognized enrolment procedure where people willing to donate their organs after death register themselves. The enrolment is done on a common online portal. This data is accessible to all the hospitals so that in case of brain death or head trauma cases the authorities can look up if the person is a registered organ donor.

Organ donation is the need of the hour! India is struggling with an acute shortage of organs. It is estimated that more than a million people suffer with end stage organ failure, but only a handful of 3,500 transplants are performed annually. At least 15 patients die every day waiting for organs and every 10 minutes a new name is added to this waiting list.

Let’s take a step towards humanity today by registering for organ donation. Click on the below link for further details:

World Hepatitis Day, 28th July

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

28th July is observed as World Hepatitis day. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by a virus. This year World Health Organisation has planned a global strategy this year to eliminate viral hepatitis by the year 2030. It aims to achieve elimination, spread awareness and increase diagnosis of the virus.

Why is the liver so important?

The liver is the largest gland in the human body. It is made up of thousands of lobules, each lobule consists of many hepatic cells which are the basic metabolic cells of the liver.

Some vital functions:

  • Detoxification
  • Stores vitamins A, D, K and B12 and minerals
  • Protein synthesis (makes certain amino acids – the building blocks of proteins)
  • The production of biochemical needed for digestion, such as bile
  • Maintains proper levels of glucose in the blood and produces hormones
  • Produces 80% of the body’s cholesterol
  • Produces urea (the main substance of urine)

Hepatitis can heal on its own with no significant consequence or it can progress to scarring of the liver. Acute hepatitis lasts under six months, while chronic hepatitis lasts longer. Most liver damage is caused by 3 hepatitis viruses namely hepatitis A, B and C. However, hepatitis can also be caused by alcohol and some other toxins and infections, as well as from our own autoimmune process. About 250 million people globally are thought to be affected by hepatitis C, while 300 million people are thought to be carriers of hepatitis B.

Some acute phase symptoms:

  • Diarrhoea and Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mild fever
  • Muscle or joint aches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Slight abdominal pain with weight loss

Some chronic phase symptoms:

  • Circulation problems (only toxic/drug-induced hepatitis)
  • Dark urine
  • Dizziness and drowsiness
  • Enlarged spleen (only alcoholic hepatitis)
  • Headache (only toxic/drug-induced hepatitis)
  • Itchy skin
  • Light coloured faeces
  • Yellow skin, whites of eyes, tongue

Different types of Hepatitis are explained below:

Hepatitis A & E

Transmission: Both are spread mainly through eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated by the faeces of an infected person.

Prevention: There is a vaccination for hepatitis A. Hepatitis E has a vaccine but it is not widely available. Maintaining good hygiene practices is a precautionary measure.

Treatment: As hepatitis A only causes acute hepatitis, the body is often able to clear the infection itself within a few weeks. There is no treatment for hepatitis E. However it is usually self-limiting.

Hepatitis B

Transmission: Hepatitis B is transmitted through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person. It can be passed on from mother to child during childbirth.

Prevention: There is a vaccination that can prevent Hepatitis B. It is best to avoid sharing of needles, toothbrushes or razors with an infected person.

Treatment: There are a variety of antiviral drugs available which slow the replication of the virus and occasionally result in its clearance.

Hepatitis C & D

Transmission: Both are spread through contact with infected blood.

Prevention: There is no vaccination for hepatitis C. It is therefore necessary to reduce risk by avoiding sharing needles, toothbrushes and razors from an infected person. It is also wise to avoid getting tattoos or body piercings from unlicensed facilities.
Hepatitis D is only found in people who are already infected with the hepatitis B virus. So vaccination against Hepatitis B can help.

Treatment for C: Treatment for chronic hepatitis C aims to eradicate the virus. It often involves a use of combination medicines and there is an increasing use of potent antiviral drugs.

Treatment for D: Conditions may improve with administration of a-interferon, however no effective antiviral therapy is currently available for hepatitis D.

Correct diagnosis and early treatment of Hepatitis is crucial to save the liver from further damage. Consult our team of experts at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital for any Hepatitis related queries. Contact us anytime for emergencies and consultations We cater to all kind of patient issues minor and major. Please visit our website for further details: