The unpredictable weather patterns and changing seasons can take a serious toll on your health. Hair fall, acne, diseases, dull skin, losing weight, are some of the punishments you get from shifting seasons. Worry not, browse through this blog to learn simple health tips to be followed while this season changes. Now you can say cheers to the sunny days!


Water is essential for healthy living. Drinking water detoxifies and moisturizes skin from inside. It can keep a check on any season change sickness and also replenishes lost fluids. So, when you feel the corners of your mouth dry and chapped lips and you’re thirsty, you are “dehydrated”- drink minimum 8 glasses of water a day, which will keep away health issues.

Seasonal Nutrition

To stay healthy, it is a must to include theseason’s fruits and vegetables. Seasonal nutrition means it is fresh and the naturally occurring minerals and vitamins in them are also fresh. At this time of the year, include watermelons, muskmelons, papaya, lychee and other summer fruits to your diet!

Keep Insects Away

The onset of summer invites a ton of insects into our homes. These uninvited dangerous guests can hurt you and put your health in danger. Cover the trashes, the open drains, the stored water, just bug-proof your home, surround your outdoor areas with non-flowery greenery and banish the blooming plants, clear off the weedy bushes and apply insect repellent often.

Healthy Diet

Summer season means holidays and beach time. In order to get into a summer shape, don’t compromise on your diet. Consume fresh food, avoid over eating. Try to eat within not too long intervals of time and give time to your food to get digested. Fuel your body’s basic energy needs with the right kind and in the right amount. Avoid too much of oily food or outside junk food during the summers, rather, eat food that is be light, hydrating and refreshing.

Skin Care

Skin gets greatly affected by soaring temperatures and excess dust. As the heat increases, remember to pamper your skin. Let your skin breath with the right kind of moisturizing lotion or cream. Do not forget cleansing, exfoliating, moisturising and protecting your skin, always use a light, oil free moisturiser so that the pores are not clogged and the skin feels not greasy but hydrated.

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Dress for the Season

Give your body some solace from the heat by avoiding tight fitting clothing. Wear linen and cotton fabric clothes of lighter colours to cover your body. Do not keep yourself over-exposed, and let your skin get tanned in the sun or get bitten by the bug.

What is important during the season change is to stay healthy and familiarize with the seasons instead of cursing and hating them. Follow the above mentioned health tips and enjoy the summer!

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