All About Sinus

All about Sinus

Aug 21st, 2017

Archive for 2017

All about Sinus

Monday, August 21st, 2017

You must have often heard of people complaining for sinus often. Have you ever wondered what is it? How is it different then the regular cough and cold? Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. However, when they become blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection.

Some conditions that can cause sinus blockage:
  • Common cold
  • Allergic rhinitis, which is swelling of the lining of the nose
  • Small growths in the lining of the nose called nasal polyps
  • A deviated septum, which is a shift in the nasal cavity

Below things can cause sinusitis in children:

  • Allergies
  • Illnesses from other kids at day care or school
  • Pacifiers
  • Bottle drinking while lying on the back
  • Smoke in the environment
Where are they located?

Sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities in the skull. The largest sinus cavities are about an inch across. Others are much smaller.

  • Your cheekbones hold your maxillary sinuses (the largest).
  • The low-center of your forehead is where your frontal sinuses are located.
  • Between your eyes are your ethmoid sinuses.
  • In bones behind your nose are your sphenoid sinuses.
Types of Sinus conditions:

Acute sinusitis (sinus infection): This is caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi which infect the sinus cavity, causing inflammation.

Chronic sinusitis: This is more than infection, chronic sinusitis is a persistent process of inflammation of the sinuses.

Deviated septum: If the septum that divides the nose is too far too one side, airflow can be blocked.

Allergic sinusitis: Allergens like pollen, dust mites, and pet dander cause the defences in the nose and sinuses to overreact.

Signs and symptoms of  sinuses:
  • Sinus headaches are often at their worst in the morning because fluids have been collecting all night long. It can also get worse when the barometric pressure of your environment changes suddenly.
  • As the discharge from your sinuses drains down the back of your throat, it can cause irritation, especially over a long period of time. This can lead to a persistent which worsens when lying down on the bed.
  • Postnasal drip can leave you with a raw and aching throat. It starts as an  annoying tickle but may get worse. If the infection lasts for a few weeks it may result in a painful sore throat and hoarse voice.
  • Cough and sometimes fever.
  • It also leads to pressure or pain in the ears and teeth.
  • It causes occasionally facial swelling and feeling of nasal stuffiness.
Some sinusitis facts:
  • Sinusitis can be caused by infection, allergies, and chemical or particulate irritation of the sinuses.
  • Most people do not spread sinus infections to other people.
  • Sinus infection is generally diagnosed based on the patient history and physical examination.
  • Bacterial sinusitis is usually treated with antibiotics. Early treatment of allergic sinusitis may prevent secondary bacterial sinus infections.
  • Complications of a sinus infection that may develop aremeningitis, brain abscess, osteomyelitis, and orbital cellulitis.

Are you or a family member suffering from sinus? Get yourself treated at our specialised Sinus clinic:

Organ Donation: The Numbers

Saturday, August 12th, 2017

There is a critical shortage of organs and the gap between organs donated and people waiting for transplant is increasing. Every year around five lakh people die waiting for an organ.

Here are some gruelling facts that convey the reasons why India needs to donate organs more:

  • Around 1,00,000 people die of liver diseases. Only 1000 get a liver transplant.
  • More than 2,20,000 people await kidney transplants but only 15,000 get one.
  • 10 lakh people await a corneal transplant.
  • 50,000 people need a heart transplant.
  • 20,000 people await a lung transplant.
  • Only around 0.34 persons per million of population donate organs in India’s population in a year.
  • Deceased donation transplantation is now responsible for almost 40% of the liver transplants done in the country and over 15% of kidney transplants.
  • At any given time, there are 8-10 brain-dead potential donors in ICUs of any major city.
  • When a trained counsellor talks to the relatives of a brain dead patient and explains the possibility of organ donation, almost 65% will agree to donate.
Give a missed call to 80800 55555 to support Organ Donation.


Organ Donation : Busting Myths

Friday, August 4th, 2017

Approximately 5 lakh people across the nation die due to unavailability of organs each year. There is a wide gap between the number of transplants awaited, and the organs available. There is an urgent need for more people to step and donate their organs; save the lives of people languishing due to organ failure. If you’ve never considered organ donation or delayed becoming a donor because of possibly inaccurate information, here are answers to some common organ donation myths and concerns.

MYTH: I’m too old to be an organ and tissue donor

FACT: Age is not a barrier. There’s no defined cutoff age for donating organs.

The decision to use your organs is based on strict medical criteria, not age. Don’t prematurely disqualify yourself. Let the doctors decide at the time of your death whether your organs and tissues are suitable for transplantation.

MYTH: I’m not healthy enough to donate because of my lifestyle choices

FACT: You don’t have to be in perfect health. People who smoke, drink or don’t have a healthy diet can still donate.

There’s every chance that some of your organs and tissues may be suitable for donation. Don’t rule yourself out – count yourself in! The determining factors are where and how a person dies, and the condition of their organ and tissues.

MYTH: It’s my choice – I don’t need to discuss it with my family

FACT: Your family needs to know. They will be asked to confirm your decision.

  • Families play a crucial role in the donation process. The family will be involved in each step of the donation process and be asked to provide vital health information – even if you have registered your decision. If you’ve decided to become a donor, you need to register your decision on the Organ Donor Registry.
  • Most importantly you need to discuss your decision with your loved ones. Prepare your family so that they are comfortable being part of the process.

MYTH: Organ and tissue donation disfigures the body

FACT: Organ donation is specialized surgery and does not disfigure the body

  • Organ and tissue retrieval is performed by highly skilled health professionals. The surgical incision made during the operation will be closed and covered as in any other operation and will not be visible beneath the person’s clothes.
  • The donor’s body is always treated with dignity and respect

MYTH: If I have registered as a donor, doctors won’t try as hard to save my life

FACT: The doctor’s first priority is always to save your life.

Saving your life is the absolute priority of medical staff – health staff, doctors and nurses work incredibly hard to save people’s lives. Organ and tissue donation is only considered when it’s absolutely clear that the person has died or that death is inevitable, at which time the Organ Donor Registry will be checked.

MYTH: Rich and famous people go to the top of the list when they need a donor organ

FACT: The rich and famous aren’t given priority when it comes to allocating organs.

It may seem that way because of the amount of publicity generated when a celebrity receives a transplant, but they are treated no differently from anyone else. The reality is that celebrity and financial status are not considered in organ allocation.

MYTH: My family will be charged if I donate my organs

FACT: The organ donor’s family is never charged for donation.

The family is charged for the costs of all final efforts to save your life, and those costs are sometimes misinterpreted as costs related to organ donation. Costs for organ removal go to the transplant recipient.

All about Hepatitis

Friday, July 28th, 2017
What is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It can be self-limiting or can progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Hepatitis viruses are the most common cause of hepatitis in the world but other infections, toxic substances and autoimmune diseases can also cause hepatitis.

It is classified as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. A different virus is responsible for each type of virally transmitted hepatitis. Hepatitis A is always an acute, short-term disease, while hepatitis B, C, and D are most likely to become ongoing and chronic. Hepatitis E is usually acute but can be particularly dangerous in pregnant women.

Common symptoms of hepatitis

If you have infectious forms of hepatitis that are chronic, like hepatitis B and C, you may not have symptoms in the beginning. Symptoms may not occur until the damage affects liver function.

Some signs and symptoms of acute hepatitis include:

  • dark urine
  • fatigue
  • flu-like symptoms
  • loss of appetite
  • unexplained weight loss
  • yellow skin and eyes, which may be signs of jaundice
  • pale stool
  • abdominal pain

Chronic hepatitis develops slowly, so these signs and symptoms may be too subtle to notice.

Some noteworthy things for Hepatitis C and Liver cirrhosis:

  • Your liver may regenerate and heal after the Hepatitis C treatment. This organ has the capacity to regenerate most of its own cells when they become damaged. However, the degree of liver regeneration will depend on the severity of scarring present due to cirrhosis.
  • Diet plays an important part while treating Hepatitis C and cirrhosis. Diet is a key part in helping your liver function better especially if you have severe scarring from cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can hinder the body’s use of nutrients and can lead to malnutrition. A low sodium, balanced protein diet is generally recommended in such cases.
  • Do not be tempted to start alcohol after getting cured from Hepatitis C even though you have cirrhosis? Alcohol especially for patients with cirrhosis is very damaging to the liver. The functions of the liver are compromised from liver damage and for patients who drink alcohol the damage accelerates.

Must know facts about Hepatitis B:

  • Despite there being a vaccine, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) kills one person every 30-45 seconds.
  • Most of the people who are infected are unaware of their infection and this has made it one of the biggest threat to the health of the world.
  • HBV is about 10 times more prevalent than HIV infection worldwide.
  • The general perception is that HIV virus is very infectious and contagious however Hepatitis B Virus is 100 times more infectious than HIV.
  • If not properly monitored or treated HBV infection can kill 25% of the infected people due to liver cancer or liver failure from cirrhosis.
  • HBV and Hepatitis C together have infected 530 million of the 6 billion people worldwide.
  • Pregnant women who have hepatitis B infection or those who are carriers of hepatitis B virus can pass this to their babies at birth.

Correct diagnosis and timely treatment of Hepatitis is crucial to save your liver from any further damage. Consult our team of experts at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital for any Hepatitis related queries. Contact us anytime for emergencies and consultations. Please see below link:

Beauty in the Rains

Friday, July 21st, 2017

We are all extra cautious of what we eat, where we eat, our outdoor activities and hygiene factors in the monsoon. After all it is the rainy season, which brings many infections. But have you spared a thought on the largest organ in your body? Have you wondered how to take care of your skin this monsoon?

During this season, the air is high in moisture content and thus you need to take extra care for your skin. The dust particles in the air find an easy way to stick to your skin. Rains and humidity can make your skin look dull and expose you to bacterial and fungal infection.

Here are some tips to ensure you have a happy and pretty monsoon:

  • Rain brings added moisture and many skin issues with it. Keep your skin clean but avoid using harsh soaps, instead try soaps made of  natural oils.
  • Dryness of the skin is a result of lack of vitamins. In spite of the climate being rainy make sure you  drink as much water as you can through the day to hydrate your skin.
  • Sunscreen lotion should be used even if it’s cloudy. Many people make the mistake of skipping sunscreen for a no sun day however, sun or no sun you must always use a sunscreen to avoid damage to the skin. During monsoon use sunscreen which is water resistant, oil free and rich in vitamin C.
  • Always exfoliate your skin two-three times a week. Use a mild scrub that will gently remove dead skin cells and piled up dirt.
  • It is advisable to avoid heavy make-up in this season. However if needed use waterproof or light make up only during the monsoon.
  • People with dry to normal skin must use a toner.  It is ideal after washing your face with cold water and helps remove dirt.
  • A good moisturising face mask just before going to bed helps get rid of flaky skin.
  • Always wash your face, hands and feet as soon as you reach your home with lukewarm water. This makes you feel refreshed and stay healthy.
  • If your skin is too oily, use a clay-based face mask twice a day to cleanse pores and remove excess oil from skin.
  • Allow your feet to breathe. Wear open footwear as closed shoes can trap sweat and water that could lead to fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Soaking the feet in warm or cold water can be very relaxing and reviving. Add a tablespoon of coarse salt, half a cup of lemon juice with a few drops of an essential oil like tea tree oil. It keeps the feet free from skin problems.

If you still have any skin concerns this season, please feel free to contact our Team of Dermatologists. Kindly see below link: