MD Anaesthesiology, FIACTA
Paediatric cardiac anaesthesia, Paediatric cardiac intensive care, Trans esophageal echocardiography, Ecmo, Hfov, Heart transplant.
Anaethesia for Cardiac Cathlab Procedure, Anaesthesia for Paediatric Heart Transplant, Anasthesia for Complex Congenital Heart Surgeries, Paediatric Invasive Lines, Bronchoscopy, Regional Blocks
He has been a part of the team for the first paediatric heart transplant and transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement to have taken place at KDAH.
Hash as successfully managed anaesthesia for high risk cathlab procedures like transcutaneous pottsshunt and anaesthesia for diagnostic cath in severe pulmonary hypertension.
As an intensivist he is also managing pre-operative and post-operative critical patients in the paediatric cardiac intensive care unit.
ECMO in Pediatric Population: Is it Different from Adults?
BOOK TITLE: ISCCM Manual of RRT and ECMO in ICU: A Reference Book for Practicing Intensivists
This appointment request is for regular consultation with the Doctor at Kokilaben Hospital, Four Bungalows. For online consultation, please CLICK HERE