Laboratory Medicine, Transfusion Medicine
Apheresis techniques including plateletpheresis, Therapeutic apheresis techniques like plasma exchange, leukapheresis, Peripheral blood stem cell harvests, Irradiation and leukodepletion of cellular blood products, Quality management in blood banking Internal Audit & Accreditation, Advanced Red cell serology, HLA typing and Antibody studies in Transplantation, Flowcytometry for quality assessment of stem cells and HLA Crossmatching,
Laboratory Medicine, Transfusion Medicine
Advanced Serological techniques in Red Cell Serology Laboratory, Leucodepletion and Irradiation of Blood Components, Apheresis Procedures( Plateletpheresis, Plamapheresis, Therapeutic plasma Exchange, Leukapheresis, Peripheral Blood Stem Cell (PBSC) collection., Granulocyte harvests) ,Quality Management in Blood bank and HLA typing.