Bedwetting Clinic - Children

It is important to know that you are not alone with this problem. Bedwetting is not often discussed freely among parents, but it is a common problem and your child will certainly not be the only one who is experiencing difficulties. Studies have shown: 4 per cent to 14 per cent of school going children suffering frombedwetting.

Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is an uncontrollable leakage of urine in discreet amounts while asleep. The term 'uncontrollable' is very crucial as it recognizes that the child's actions are instinctive. Many more boys than girls are late in becoming dry at night. Bedwetting is also sub-divided into two types, depending on whether the child's wetting is just at night or whether daytime incontinence and other symptoms are also present.

Most children have what is known as 'Primary Bedwetting' – this means that they have never had a period of time when they have been dry. Contrary to popular belief, primary bedwetting is not a psychological issue. 'Secondary Bedwetting' is seen in children who have been dry for 6 months at least and for some reason have now started wetting again. The reasons are many and varied but often associated with big changes or upsets in the child's life which can include starting a new school or childcare, the birth of a sibling, the death of a relative or moving home. In most cases, however, there is an underlying medical reason for bedwetting, which you should visit your doctor to discuss.

It is not normal for a child over 5 years old to be wetting the bed on a regular basis and it is recommended that a parent seeks medical advice.

For appointments call: 022 42699898