Clinical Pathology: Biochemistry, Haematology, Transfusion Medicine, Quality Assurance in Lab Medicine
Genetics & Molecular Medicine, Laboratory Medicine
Constitutional and acquired (cancer) genetics, hematolymphoid malignancies, solid tumors, including routine diagnosis an...
Genetics & Molecular Medicine, Laboratory Medicine
Cancer genomics, Molecular Pathology, Solid Tumors, Hematological Malignancies, Precision Oncology, Immunooncology, Here...
Clinical Chemistry, Immunology, Autoimmune Markers, Standardization & Harmonization of Immuno assays; Cardiac Markers (H...
Solid tumor surgical pathology of all specialties , Immunohistochemistry & Cytogenetics (FISH testing), Renal and Liver ...
Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Hospital Infection control
Haemostasis, hemoglobinopathy work up, Hematolymphoid neoplasms (lymph nodes and bone marrow), high end multi-parametric...
Laboratory Medicine, Transfusion Medicine
Apheresis techniques including plateletpheresis, Therapeutic apheresis techniques like plasma exchange, leukapheresis, P...
Nephropathology, Transplant Pathology, Oncopathology, GI & Liver Pathology
Histopathology, Oncopathology, Cytopathology, Frozen Section, Immunohistochemistry
Laboratory Medicine, Transfusion Medicine
Advanced Serological techniques in Red Cell Serology Laboratory, Leucodepletion and Irradiation of Blood Components, Aph...
Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology, Infectious Immunology and Serology, Molecular Microbiology, Mycology