Psychology Treatment in Mumbai


Clinical Psychology is a health service provider specialty for mental health problems as to help emotionally distressed people adjust to life. Clinical psychologists assess, diagnose, predict, prevent and treat psychopathology, mental disorders and other individual or group problems to improve behavior adjustment, adaptation, personal effectiveness and satisfaction.

An accurate diagnosis is crucial for appropriate intervention and recovery. An assessment of psychological constructs such as the cognitive, emotional and behavioural functioning of an individual is the bases of further intervention. These tests and assessments are conducted by qualified clinical psychologists that run these tests, score and interpret them and carefully make profiles for individuals providing clear cut diagnosis, insightful observations and a strong foundation for further treatment.

Some examples of tests available are:

  • IQ tests (WISIC, WAIS, MISIC, K-B etc)
  • Neuropsychological tests (WMS, Nimhans Battery, etc)
  • Personality tests (MMPI, MCMI-III etc)
  • Projective techniques (ROR, CAT, TAT)
  • Behavior Rating scales for various disorder (Anxiety, Depression, OCD, ADHD, Autism etc)
The process of Psychotherapy involves increasing an individual’s sense of well-being and reducing the subjective discomforting experienced. Psychotherapy attempts to solve or help people themselves solve the problem with a deeper understanding of their own and others personalities. We employ a range of techniques based on experiential relationship building, dialogue, communication and behavior change that have been designed to improve the mental health of the patient.
Cognitive therapy focuses on present thinking, behavior, and communication rather than on past experiences and is oriented toward problem solving. Cognitive therapy has been applied to a broad range of problems including depression, anxiety, panic, fears, eating disorders, substance abuse, and personality problems.
Sometimes you may have habitual reactions to a situation that can be debilitating and damaging. Behavior therapy will help you to put things in correct perspective and enable you to think in a clear and decisive manner. According to this approach, once behavior is changed, feelings will change as well. Most effective with clients suffering from substance abuse problems, such as alcohol addiction, nicotine addiction and abuse associated with other forms of drugs.
REBT one of the most pioneering therapies of recent times, focuses on having rigid irrational beliefs that cause psychological discomfort. The therapy stands out with its focus on understanding the clients unhealthy negative emotions (anger, anxiety, fear, depression) and trying to modify them to more adaptive healthy negative emotions (irritation, concern , sadness). REBT with its behavioral and cognitive techniques is the easiest and the most effective therapy in solving the recent disturbing problems of life.
With Exposure and Response Prevention, a mental health professional trained in CBT conducts a series of controlled ERP sessions with the patient who has OCD. During these sessions, the therapist gradually exposes the person to the situations that trigger his or her obsessions and compulsions. Over time, the person learns to respond differently to these triggers, leading to a decrease in the frequency of compulsions and the intensity of obsessions. OCD symptoms often become so mild that they’re easily ignored; sometimes they disappear.
DBT is a therapy designed to help people change patterns of behavior that are not effective, such as self-harm, suicidal thinking and substance abuse. This approach works towards helping people increase their emotional and cognitive regulation by learning about the triggers that lead to reactive states and helping to assess which coping skills to apply in the sequence of events, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that lead to the undesired behavior. DBT assumes that people are doing the best that they can, but either are lacking the skills or are influenced by positive or negative reinforcement that interfere with one’s functioning.
It is a form of psychotherapy in which the focus is on a client’s relationships with peers and family members and the way they see themselves. Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is based on exploring issues in relationships with other people. The goal is to help people to identify and modify interpersonal problems, to understand and to manage relationships and enhance the transaction within relationships.
Family is the core of our lives and lifestyle. However sometimes it becomes a breeding ground for many conflicts. Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy, which helps individuals within the family to understand and improve the way the family members interact with each other and resolve their conflicts. Family is also a key part of the team that helps an individual with an emotional/behavioural concern to get better; it is sometimes helpful for family members to understand what their loved one is going through, how they themselves can cope, and what they can do to help.
Children love to play. Play therapy is a beautiful and effective way to help your children. In play therapy, a relationship develops between the child and the therapist. Play therapy is a technique whereby the child’s natural means of expression, namely play, is used as a therapeutic method to assist him/her in coping with emotional stress or trauma. The therapist enters the child’s world, following the child’s lead, developing a safe place and a relationship of trust that will help the child for healthy growth.
We realize that marriage is an important event in one’s life. Hence we do everything possible to guide you as a couple regarding the awaited marriage, sex, family planning and interpersonal relationships. We also try to open up certain guidelines in dealing with marital problems. While we don’t offer magical solutions, we definitely help to put your problems in perspective so that you can tackle the situation more effectively .This type of therapy helps spouses and partners understand why their loved one has depression, what changes in communication and behaviors can help, and what they can do to cope.